Download and print the patterns to a non stretch skirt (contains the following PDF files):
- front (same as for stretch skirt),
- side sections of back (piece 1),
- higher back (piece 1),
- middle panel of back (piece 2),
Description of the pattern
This is a pattern for a skirt in non-stretch fabric with a back divided in three parts. A three-piece back divides the crescent shape more evenly over the butt area. the seams keep the skirt more firmly in place around the butt and hip areas.
Below is a drawing of a skirt with a three-piece back without waistband pictured front, back and sideways. as you can see the extra seam divides the crescent shape more even.
A waistband lengthens both the front and back part of the skirt with the width of the waistband. This is the only difference in the patterns.
The skirt pattern without waistband is cut rather low on the hips. if you want a slightly higher waistline without using a waistband you will have to alter the pattern. A skirt sewn in a seating position can not be altered without moving the tucks in the side seams of the back piece. There are pattern pages to alter the main pattern. they have the same page numbers as the pages of the original pattern and you simply exchange these for the alternative of a higher waistline.
Jag har alltid problem med att min “putiga” rumpa inte får tillräckligt med plats i byxor eller kjolar så att skåran gärna tittar fram när jag sätter mig eller böjer mig fram. Jag sydde en kjol efter det här mönstret och blev förvånad att det var så generöst med plats för rumpan. Nu har jag undersökt sidan närmare och har insett sidans målgrupp. Jag är inte rullstolsburen men sitter rätt så ofta och det var kul att äntligen hitta ett mönster med generöst med plats för rumpan!
Hi, I’m trying to print your pattern. I’ve tried both A4 paper and Letter size. Neither one prints to the correct size between cross marks. Are you able to tell me how to correct this?
Sorry for being missing in action . Now …
You need to check your printers settings – probably something to do with margins. /S