Sewing instructions for women’s stretch pants (without zip)

Sewing instructions for women’s pants:

Sewing stretch pants without zip

The stretch pants use the same pattern except there is no need for a zipper fly, which make them very simple to sew. You will need some wide elastic, measured to your waist plus a little extra length for seam allowance.

These pants can also be sewn including zips, inserted for example in side seams, in either elastic or non-elastic fabric. For examples of where and how to insert zips see the instructions for non-elastic skirt. Remember that you may want to choose a larger size if you are making pants in non-elastic fabric.


Back piece viewed inside and outside

Sew the back tucks.

Sew the back and front seams.Sew back and front seams

Line up the pants with right sides facing in. Sew the side seams.
Sew inside and outside leg seams
Line up the inside leg seams and sew. You may want to do a couple of extra rows at the crotch for re-enforcement.

Measure the waist of your pants, then check your waistband length,
you may need to shorten it.
Press waistband edges, fold in half
Press in waistband edges 1 cm. Fold and press in half.


Measure and press waistband as instructed. Waistband loop

Pin the waistband to the outside of the pants with the join at the back, making sure you pass one end of the waistband tube through the other end so the fabric is overlapped. Attach waistband to pants
Attach to the pants in small stitches, as this has more stretch (or use an overlock machine on stretch setting). Stitch on waistband

Once attached, open up the space between the waistband ends and thread the elastic through.Open edges and thread elastic through

Join the elastic ends with a few rows of stitching then close the waistband over itself again and stitch over the top.Pull out both ends of elastic, join and thread back, close

5 Responses to Sewing instructions for women’s stretch pants (without zip)

  1. elba rosario says:

    gracias por compartir sus conocimientos. estoy muy agradecida

  2. melitah sosah says:

    hello, thank for the instructions, now i can start doing some personal pants, i reaaly need to learn more about sewing pants , skirt, poloshirt for women, etc….

    • susanne says:

      Sounds like you’re going to look real good. Send us a pic and description of your trials if you want to share your successes and failures. We are going to include examples and stories from our readers in the blog.

  3. Bree says:

    Thank you so much for this site! I’m looking for an elastic waist pattern for denim pants for my mother who uses a wheelchair and doesn’t have full use of her left side. Can denim be used with your pattern or is it only for knit fabrics?

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