Sewing instructions for men’s suit style jacket

Sewing instructions for men’s suit style jacket:

Description of the conten of the sewing instructions

This is the sewing instructions to the suit style jacket for men. It is relatively easy to sew. In general, it is longer in back and shorter in front. It has a zip up front.

The pattern includes facing and can be lined or left unlined. Front and front facing pattern
You have some alternative designs to choose from among the pattern pieces. The jacket can be sewn with either a straight back piece or a piece with a slightly curved shape. Straight and curved back pieces
There are also two different sleeves to choose from: a normal straight sleeve and a curved sleeve, both with optional rib knitted wristband.Normal and curved sleeve pieces
The curved sleeve is made from two separate pieces while the normal sleeve is made from one. High back collar piece Normal collar piece
The collar is available in two alternative designs, one with a straight overall width and another with a collar wider at the back. This creates a higher back to the collar and is primarily thought for a jacket with a curved back (following the curved line).

The collar piece with high back should be made in rib knit fabric.
A collar in non-stretch jacket fabric does not allow the stretch for this solution. Collar jacket fabric  piece
In the pattern pieces you also have a piece for wristband. This is if you opt for a jacket with wristbands in rib knit fabric. If you want a regular hem for the sleeves you will choose this when cutting the sleeve pattern. Wristband piece
Finally the pattern includes pieces for lining along the hem of the jacket. There is two back pieces of this to choose from. One fits a straight back and the other a jacket with a curved back.

23 Responses to Sewing instructions for men’s suit style jacket

  1. Wanyae says:

    may you please send more instructions on how to do this product.

  2. Vishal Somwanshi says:

    Dear sir,
    I want detail information

  3. Tunji Bankole says:

    how many inches must the front facing have, at most? And is it compulsory to have a princess darts both at d front & at the back.

    • susanne says:

      There are no princes darts on the front piece of the suit jacket. (The line you see at the sleeve hole is a mark to match up with the line on the sleeve piece so this will be put in right.) The back piece only have princess darts if you have chosen the alternative with the curved back -on this the tucks (princess darts) are necessary. There’s a pattern for front facing but you can sew the jacket without facing if you want to. Don’t really know what would happen if you just make the facing smaller as I think it would depend on the fabric you use. You could try making it really small and if it cause trouble you might have to just use vlisiline to prevent it from “curling” or puckering.

  4. amusa alliy says:

    how do i cut suit and trouser

  5. Genefas milano says:

    Are there any formulars in the cutting of suits like 10plus the trouser length gives the full length of ones suit

    • susanne says:

      We’ve gotten some help from outside to try to make instructions how to adapt the pants pattern to plus size. We will put this up in new section of the website for “untested” patterns and adaptation (our current funding doesn’t cover addition to the patterns side of the site so we need help to do the testing as we’ve no “test pilots” for this.

      How to adapt the pants patterns will probably be up sometime in the next month or so. I’ll send you an email when it’s up and running. We would really appreciate any help in testing it.

  6. Max says:

    Thanks for the sewing instructions. Looks like a great post. Do you know of any resources, or can you provide any clarification on taking measurements and fitting different body types?

    • susanne says:

      We’ve tried to explain it as best we can in the links under “Important to read…” To get a truly individualized pattern you need to use the instructions and sew a sample garment. Sorry, we tried but we simply can’t see how to make it easier.

  7. Jon Oeltjen says:

    How do you obtain this pattern

  8. tunde says:

    Thanks for the instructions but the collar pattern is different from what i’v comed across while learning. I’v been taught that the back neck goes an inch down, therefore cuttin d collar d same way by letting it slant an inch instead being straight like you have instructed in the above. Thank you

    • susanne says:

      This is a very basic pattern. Adapting it to include different design elements is entirely possible so whatever you have learnt will probably work here too – UNLESS it effects the actual adaptation, f.ex. a curved back or raised collar line. I don’t really understand your question/point ??? so it’s hard to answer/comment.
      Why don’t you come back when you’ve figured out an alternative solution/pattern that works with our adaptations. If it’s tried and tested, I am sure all of us will want to know about it and I will gladly put it up on our site.
      Best /Susanne

  9. Rume says:

    I want to sew a complete suit but without the waist coat but the patterns I see here are for men’s jackets.where can I get a step by step approach to cutting out the patterns and sewing a two piece suit for men?

  10. Manny says:

    thanks for this lovely info susanne. more of something like this please.

    • susanne says:

      Sorry for being missing in action . Now …

      Thanks for lovely feedback Manny. I’m in the process of uploading for the next couple of months but after that who knows … we are feeling ever so slightly fashionfreaked out.

  11. Kingsley says:

    Please Sir, I wanted to download the instructions for men’s suit style jacket but there is no download buttons under the instruction. What should I do?

  12. Glen says:

    dear Sir/Madam
    I am writing t you in regards to the mens suit style jacket which you offer on your website.

    Could you please advise me as to weather or not this pattern includes a seam allowed or if this indeed needs to be added as i am about to start working on altering the patterns

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