Download and print the patterns to a suit style jacket for men (contain the following PDF files):
- front,
- straight back,
- curved back,
- straight sleeve,
- curved sleeve,
- front facing,
- hem facing,
- wristband and collars.
Description of the jacket
This jacket pattern is relatively easy to sew. In general, it is longer in back and shorter in front. It has a zip up front. The seams inserting the sleeves into the body of the jacket are positioned at the outer side of the shoulder, which gives a slight increased space for mobility. You also have some alternative designs to choose from. The pattern includes facing and can be lined or left un-lined.
Below is a drawing of the jacket in basic model with straight sleeves and collar. You can sew it with or without wristband.
Depending on how well-fitted you want to sew the jacket and what suits your seating position and manner of pushing wheelchair, you might want curved sleeves. The curved shape in the sleeves is created by a curving extra seam at the back side of each sleeve.
Below is drawing of a suit style jacket with curved sleeves viewed from front and back. The example also show a jacket with higher collar in the back as well as with or without wristband.
The example above also shows a curved back piece, which creates a crescent shaped backline over the shoulder area, viewed from behind. You create this through an extra curved seam in the middle of the back piece. A curved back can be useful if you sit slightly bended forward in the wheelchair.
Below you can see the jacket viewed from the side with straight back, sleeve and collar, and higher collar, curved sleeve and back line.
You can choose to sew the sleeves with or without wristbands. The collar can be sewn in rib knit fabric or the same fabric as the rest of the jacket, in normal model or with a higher back. A higher back can be useful together with a curved back. Below is an example of a basic collar in rib knit ,a rib knit collar with higher back and a collar in suit fabric with higher back.
The zippered edge pictured is straight but the same edge in the pattern is curved . Why is this?